Friday 24 February 2012

Training Progress

Just wanted to keep all my trusty supporters in the loop with my HALF MARATHON TRAINING! Despite the cold weather, snow and pretty miserable conditions for running, I have been sticking to a somewhat strict exercise regime! At this point, with 92 days to go, I am running 5 miles every other day! So between 15-20 miles a week (weekends = rests!) Am really enjoying it actually, more than I thought I would be and running outside makes the time fly, way more than on a treadmill! Where I live is pretty hilly so I can't do 5 miles without conquering an epic up hill stretch which is not so fun, but am changing my routes up and exploring my local area at the same time so it's all good! By the end of this training I could be a local tour guide for Crouch End I reckon! Anyway, thanks for the amazing support and encouragement so far! Every sponsorship spurs me on to get my trainers on and get out there!

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